Backup Files and Folders Using Command Prompt

Backup Files/Folders Using Command Prompt
There are hundreds of programs available in the market which backup your important data. Not all these programs are free to use and you have to pay for them. But in case you can't afford to buy these softwares then this article is for you.

Today, I will tell you how you can backup your important files and folder by using command prompt. You may be surprised but yes, it is true that you can also backup important data by using a simple Robocopy command in the command prompt. 

By this, you can backup any file/folder from one location to the other. Read this to learn how you can:

How to Backup?

1. Open the command prompt by simply entering "cmd" in the search box. Alternatively you can press Win Key + R and then enter "cmd" to open the command prompt.
command prompt
2. Now type Robocopy (or xcopy if you have windows xp), then press Space and enter the source folder followed by the destination folder i.e., robocopy "source file address" "destination folder address". For example, I want to backup the savegame files of Don Bradman Cricket 14 thats why I will write
robocopy "C:\Users\Hammad\Documents\My Games\Don Bradman Cricket 14" "H:\Backup\Folder"
robocopy command
3. Press enter and your files will be backed up at your desired location. 
 Note that the destination/output folder can be of any drive (whether it is USB drive or other...)
Thats it. Now you have learned how to backup data by simply using command prompt. In case of any difficulty you experience, feel free to ask. Enjoy :)


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