Entrepreneurs Should Not Sell The Product, Infact They Should Sell The Solution

Sell the solution, not the product

After a busy month of exams and weekly presentations, here I come up with an amazing topic on entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship being my core subject, in the last few weeks I've learned some key elements which an entrepreneur should possess in order to be successful.

One thing that I learned during this period is that an entrepreneur rather than selling his product/service, he should sell the solution. Doesn't matter how much effort you put on developing your product/service, if it is not doing what a customer want then you are wasting your time and money.

It is because people look for the solution of their problems, not the products. If people see their problem can't be solved by what you are providing, they will skip your product and look for the other one.

Doesn't matter how much effort you put on developing your product/service, if it is not doing what a customer want then you are wasting your time and money. And if the problem you are trying to solve isn't compelling enough, you have a really tough road to ahead of you as business.

Here is how you can turn your business strategy around to focus on solution rather than the product.

Sell the Benefits, Not the Product

Before explaining this, let me ask you a question? You buy products/services for what? For show off or for your benefits? I think everyone buys something for some benefit. To some extent, we try to show off others what we have but our main objective is to get some sort of benefit from that product. Right?

To sell your product, or successfully sell (to be precise) you need to show customer how your product meets their needs and why your offering is the right solution. What you should be doing is highlighting the benefits of your product in the simplest way possible. (No jargon, please.)

If they can't find the benefit, they are more probably to shift towards the next company. You definitely don't want this so keep these thing in mind. Find the problem, offer the solution in your product and explain why/how your product is better than other.

Features are Great but Not the End Game

Every feature you offer in your product should be of some sort of clear benefit. Instead of including some extra crap, you should focus on the core competencies of your product. This way you can tell the customer what special they will get in your product and how this will be solution of their problem. 

Also, place your product on your website so that people can see what feature your product have. This way they can also see what its core competencies are. Here is how you really convince your audience that your business can provide the best solution possible to their needs.

One thing most of the people check is the evidence of whether your product really works the way you are showing off or not. So it is better to encourage your satisfied customers to share their reviews about your product. 

You can even make it better with a case study of what your customers do and how your product is helping them achieve a particular business process. This way the new customer will be satisfied and hence, your customer base will increase.

Don't Make Your Marketing Message All About Your Product

Can you answer why people should choose your product? Why are you the best option available? Just put yourself in place of customer and think, would you pay attention to the sales or marketing messages you are currently spreading? 

The best solution without the right message can make it difficult to convert leads. So start putting buyers first and focus on messages that speak to their problems and address how they can be solved when they use your product.

Focus on Education Instead of Promotion

It pays to educate. If you don't already have a business blog that addresses industry problems, you are missing out on a lot of organic traffic. If you don't have time to run the blog, hire someone who will. If you can't hire additional help, get your team to commit some time for sharing amazing content each week.

By educating your target audience, they will be more likely to think about your offering when they need a solution to that particular problem you solve.

Last but not the least, focus on the core competencies of your product. So that you can make your product that much superior which people love to buy. This will also generate more leads and the customer base of yours will grow, definitely.


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